
Carpe Diem!!!!

Community - group of people who live together in a specific location.


The rules will be made by our group (Brianna, Tom, Randee), and will be enforced by security officers and any leaders there may be. They may also adapt and change the rules according to the people who may be in the community and their needs.

Leadership will be decided by a special committee. This committee will observe any candidate for leadership without that candidate knowing, watching for required leadership skills. It will be done like this because, when a person doesn’t know that someone is watching them, you can see what they’re truly like, versus the lies that people often tell and the acts they play during elections to make themselves look good. The committee will watch for bravery, loyalty, honesty, and the ability to think quickly and make the right decisions.

Some of the rules that our community will have are that alcohol, tobacco, or any illegal drugs will not be allowed within the community. Guns will only be allowed in the possession of certain people, including security, police, and the community leaders.

If someone breaks the rules of possession of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or guns, there are several offenses. The first is that the items will be confiscated, and the person will be reprimanded severely. The second offense is that the person is detained overnight. The third is that the person will be put in jail for a month, then moving up to 6 months, then a year. After that, they will be asked to leave the community.


The subjects that will be required are English, so people  will know how to speak well; History, so people will know what happened in the past and why it worked or didn’t work; Government, so people will better understand what goes on in the community’s and the country’s  government; Economics, so people will understand how quickly things can change and will know how to provide for their family; along with the basic things they’d need to know in Math, so they’ll know how to use numbers in order to pay monthly dues. Optional courses would be the ones that people wouldn’t really need unless they decide to go into that field. They would include Science, Art, Music, and more advanced Math classes.

Students will start school when they’re about 5 or 6, like we do here, and will continue school until about 13. After that, they will decide what they want to do for work, and take classes accordingly. They should be ready for work by 20.

The education system in our community will be different from the current one in several ways. First, students will be separated into different classes based on their learning styles. This will be more efficient because the teaching methods and classes will be adapted to them without too much effort, and the students will probably learn things more quickly. The schools will have a tutoring center where students can go if they need extra help on work. The tutoring services will be free.


People will be payed based on the amount of skill and effort they show while working. That way, everyone would get what they work for and ultimately deserve. For instance, if someone goes to work but doesn’t do anything, they would be paid less than someone who works incredibly hard.

Our community will use recca as a currency. In comparison to a dollar, the dollar worth about one third of our currency.

For those who are unemployed, they’ll be provided with something sort of like our welfare, and receive a set amount of money per month. The payments that each unemployed person receives will differ, and be much like how people are payed. When people are actually working hard to get a job again, they will be supported. When people aren’t trying at all, they will not.

Outside Influences:

Our community will not be self-supporting. We will grow what we can, but will still get help from outside if we need it.

Our policies about trade with other countries will limit the people who can trade to government officials and those who have been entrusted with the right. This will prevent illegal items or materials from ending up in our community.

Outside of our community, the services or items we may need would include whatever food the environment of our community will not allow to grow, some meats, and possibly different fruit juices, depending on the location. We will be located near a fresh water source, so there should be no problem with that. We will raise our own chickens for meat and eggs.

As far as visiting between our community and other communities goes, we will allow it but monitor it very carefully. Before allowing someone in or someone out, they will be thoroughly examined to see if they are a threat to the people in our community.

We will have many businesses in our community because we like to keep our people busy. We will have clothing factories and we will produce most everything we use besides food inside our city so we don’t have to rely on the outside world for much of anything besides food. The kinds of jobs we will have are: store attendants, school teachers, police/law enforcements, factory workers, political leaders, town officials, sports regulators, doctors, nurses, poison control personnel, janitors, computer technicians, and mechanics.


The responsibilities of the children will be to clean the house that they live in and to mind their own business and not cause scenes. The children will gradually be allowed to know more about the community as they grow older. At the age of eighteen they will be considered an adult and have adult responsibilities. The adults will be responsible for keeping the children out of trouble and they will be responsible for making sure the community stays in a state of peace and tranquility for everyone inside the community. The elderly will be responsible for giving advice to the adults and the children because they have gone through a lot and are usually rather smart. The elderly will be considered elderly when they have proven they cannot take care of themselves and when this happens they will be moved to a special housing development where the community will house and take care of the elderly for the rest of their lives.


Our community will use roads and monorails. Monorails are a safe and easy way to have sat transportation across town. There will be 2 monorails that goes throughout the town at perpendicular angles. The monorail does not produce any pollution and it is fast. I think that the tracks should be elevated though so that it does not interfere with the people who drive their cars. We will have an air shuttle for emergencies and two subway lines through the city.


There will be many options for entertainment for the citizens of our community. There will be sports, a central park and more. We will have a sanitation department. The sanitation department will maintain the cleanliness of our city and keep up the environment. A sanitation department will be a great way to keep the city clean and provide jobs for people. For children young there will be recreational centers under ground.

These center will have a library and games for the children. It will also have a small gym. There will be toys, balls, hoola-hoops and other fun items for the gym. The children will be aloud to be there if their parents are busy or if they are bored but the must have parent permission. The center will be open from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM every day. They will also host swimming lessons at the pool. There will be dance classes held in the gym  in the center.

For teenagers we will have a skate park and they will have free run of the courts in town as long as there is no game already on them and they treat it with respect cleaning up after themselves. They will also have a movie theatre but it is not exlusivly for them.

For the elderly there will be many events sheduled each week end and a few days during the week.

The styles that will be most popular in our city is the skater kid and the preppy kid.