Buck Ville

Welcome to Buck Village.
    I hope you like your stay in our village, I hope you also find every thing accommodating, There is a few things you should know, you must got to the church in the center of the town every Sunday, and Wednesday (optional), If you don’t like it than too bad and get the heck out. Our village is God loving and everything we do is to glorify him. There are also many fun ways to get around the village, like by mopeds,  and many different cars. There are also jobs for everyone, and food is provide. You will also get a key chain to get enough food for you and your family. Kids must start school at age 4, start training for work at 10, and must start working at 12.
    There are no guns allowed, out side the castle is where the guns will be under lock and the key will be hidden some where. Only Caleb, Cody and Hannah, will know where they are. You may go hunting but you must seek permission and complete a course also, so that you are trustworthy with a gun and if you don’t bring it back safety measures will be taken to protect the village from any threats that Caleb, Cody and Hannah will in do process than,  they will be asked to leave immediately. Everything that he or she came with will be restored (not including the money),  that is the fee for trying to steal and threaten the lives of your village.
     I hope to see you in the future this is a word from each of are loving dictators.

Yours truly Caleb, Cody and Hannah

No excessive eating
Don’t use the Lord’s name in vain
Don’t worship other Idols
Don’t kill anyone(only doctor death can kill)
Clean home(no garbage on property)
Mandatory church service
No more then 3 kids per family
All kids start school 5 years of age and stop at 10
All citizens must start training at 10 then start working at 12
NO drugs or alcohol ever in the village 

Citizens most follow these laws or it could result in the death penalty
Buck Villa
Government-dictator government
Dictators-Caleb, Cody, Hannah

admission-small admission fee(
There are a number of ways for transportation in Buck Villa. Here are some ways:

*Moped(powered by eggs)
*sub compact
truck(for businesses)

*board games
*outdoor games

ages 4-10
All citizens start working at 12
All citizens must start training at 10

 We will have farming, selling farm goods, teaching, working in fix it up.
 When they stop schools they train for the jobs that will be given to the kids pick during school.
When there assignments will be given behind closed doors.   

we made a good choice with are schooling because they will not need any more  schooling
 we are a  self supporting
 everything we be provide
we pick egg power car so the pollution does not get out of hand 
 that will get the kids out side
we pick the cloth so people didn't get made fun of by there clothing because they  look poor ever though ever one has the same every thing